Blog>SharePoint 2010

Articles related to SharePoint Server 2010 and SharePoint Foundation 2010.

The Catch of Developing Application Using SharePoint Web Services

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INTRODUCTION For me SharePoint is such a great platform because not only does it have many built-in functionalities, it also allows integration of external systems and applications using various approaches such as web-parts, user controls, custom ASPX pages and web services. On this particular article I would like to discuss few gotchas that we need Continue Reading

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Categories: Blog, SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013

SharePoint Custom Internet/Intranet Website Master Page Ribbon Fixer

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Developing websites on SharePoint 2010 and 2013 can be a bit difficult due to the ribbon and how the “wrapper” DIVs have been structured within the master page. And not only that, SharePoint 2010 sometimes clash with JQuery scripts which I have used a lot since there are a lot of cool controls that I Continue Reading

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Categories: Blog, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013

SharePoint Best Practice Archive Summary 2007, 2010, 2013

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INTRODUCTION In this article I would like to summarize as many SharePoint Best Practice that I’ve found throughout the Internet. Microsoft has released a dedicated page for it but it contains only links to various sites which I think is a bit rigorous to read. But anyway, if you’re interested this is the link from Continue Reading

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Categories: Blog, SharePoint 2007, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013

August 2012 Cumulative Updates Bugs – Site Timeout & Navigation Items Multiplied to Hundreds and Thousands

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Hi everyone, just thought of letting you know that since the install of August 2012 Cumulative Updates for SharePoint Server 2010, a new bug is introduced. This has been verified by Microsoft themselves. I am currently working with a particular client to resolve the issues. Basically the issues are: site is suddenly inaccessible. It’s pretty Continue Reading

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Categories: Blog, SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2010 Errors

SharePoint Performance Tuning 3 – Customizations

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INTRODUCTION   This is a series. The previous article can be found at Series 2.   Now we’ve arrived at the customizations topic. Customisations obviously cover a broad range of topics. Therefore, in this particular article I want to discuss only the basic elements and some tips that we can do to increase performance.     Continue Reading

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Categories: Blog, SharePoint 2010

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Implementing IT does not have to be difficult.

As long as you have the right methodologies

We have heard a lot of complaints from our clients that IT a lot of the times give them headache. The issues range from over-budget implementation, server is too hard to maintain, application is not user friendly, features not complete and many others. If you have ever experienced similar situations, don’t worry. This is why TFS Consulting Services is here. We exist to help clients implementing a successful IT solution. We have various methodologies which we have proven working in delivering a successful IT implementation. Below is the list of some of our key service offerings:
  • Planning and Methodologies

    Implementing IT solution does not have to be difficult. TFS Consulting Services has a lot of resources on planning and methodologies that will ensure successful delivery of your IT solution. TFS Consulting Services has been around in the web industry for more than 10 years and has experienced all the successes and failures of various type of IT deployment.

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    Do you need a technical resource? TFS Consulting Services can also provide you with technical resource for developing ASP.NET (C# and VB.NET), SharePoint (2003, 2007, 2010, 2013) and MS CRM applications. Our resource is an Microsoft Certified Personnel (MVP) and Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) in all ASP.NET, SharePoint and CRM.

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    Make sure your IT implementation is robust and scalable. TFS Consulting Services can provide consulting and advice on industry’s best practice on various web-related areas such as website security, design and usability, application-specific (such as SharePoint)’s best practice, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), coding standards and many others.

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  • Solution Development

    Finally TFS Consulting Services provides you with solution development service. We mainly work with Microsoft technologies (ie. .NET and SQL Server), however we are also capable of developing with PHP and MySQL. If you ever need any business process automation, integration and solution development work,  we are the trusted expert you should go to.

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  • I’m happy to recommend Tommy as a knowledgeable and diligent developer.

    Mike Stringfellow, Vivid Group
  • Tommy has a lot of great ideas that can be delivered into great products. It’s a pleasure working with him because he has a broad knowledge about available technologies out there and he knows what’s best for the client’s needs. He just knows how to work effectively and efficiently.

    Teddy Segoro, Student Edge
  • I’ve worked with Tommy over the past 6 months and have found his approach to development (especially SharePoint) absolutely outstanding. Tommy goes beyond the boundries of typical software development with his ability understand what a client requires and then build it into fully fledged software solution. Coupled with his professional “Best Practice” approach, you get Continue Reading

    Michael Bonham, DSC-IT

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Tommy Segoro
+61 404 457 754


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