Monthly Archives: December 2013
SharePoint 2010 2013 AD Updated, User Profile Updated but not My Settings or WSS Profile or Welcome User Text
Written on , by Tommy Segoro
INTRODUCTION I have updated a user’s details in Active Directory (in this instance surname and email). I re-run the User Profile sync service and all is well. When I check the User Profile in User Profile Service Application the details are all updated correctly. When the user login to SharePoint however, the “Welcome” text still Continue Reading
SharePoint 2013 InfoPath GetUserProfileService.asmx Error 500 Internal Server Error – Unauthorized or User with the Account Name Could Not Be Found
Written on , by Tommy Segoro
INTRODUCTION I’m in the process of migrating a SharePoint 2010 site to 2013. Within the site are several InfoPath forms that need to also be migrated to 2013. The migration was all easy except when I start filling the InfoPath form, I get an error querying the web service. After some investigations I found out Continue Reading